
Algunos suplementos que realmente funcionan

Entre el inmenso mar de opciones en suplementos alimenticios uno siempre se pregunta cuál valdrá la pena más que otro. Por un lado, nuestro dinero ganado con mucho esfuerzo debe ser correctamente invertido, y al mismo tiempo, deberíamos evitar ingerir suplementos y complementos alimenticios que no tengan realmente una utilidad comprobada. A continuación te compartimos tres cuya efectividad está comprobada; son suplementos que realmente funcionan.


Sería muy raro que no hayas escuchado hablar de la creatina si estas involucrado en el ambiente deportivo y de entrenamiento muscular. Circulan incluso mitos alrededor de ella, siendo uno de ellos el que se le compare con esteroides y otras drogas. Éste mito es tan falso que incluso la creatina se encuentra de manera natural en la carne, y se considera legal ante el Comité Olímpico Internacional.

La creatina funciona como una fuente o transporte de energía para tus células, lo que se traduce en más fortaleza y mejores resultados en el entrenamiento, lo que aunado a su bajo precio y comprobada seguridad, junto con su versátil funcionalidad en varios sistemas del organismo, la hace un suplemento ideal y básico.

Aceite de pescado

fish-oil-pills-salmon-and-prawnsUna gran parte de nuestro organismo está formado por grasa, y particularmente dentro de nuestras células existen dos tipos especiales de ácidos grasos en constante equilibrio; estos son los ácidos grasos omega 3 y omega 6. Si este equilibrio se rompe, cosa que generalmente sucede ya que el Omega 6 lo consumimos a montones en el aceite vegetal barato, pueden venir problemas a la salud. Esto puede ser contrarrestado con el consumo de omega 3, contenido principalmente en los pescados grasosos, o mejor aún, en el aceite de pescado.

Los beneficios del aceite de pescado son enormes, incluyendo la disminución de los triglicéridos en la sangre, reducción de dolores articulares, depresión severa, entre otros. Lo mejor es que, como comentamos previamente, lo puedes obtener fácilmente a través del aceite de pescado o comiendo una gran cantidad de pescados grasosos, tales como el salmón.

Vitamina D

La vitamina D se ha puesto de moda recientemente y, entre sus efectos se encuentran la protección contra la pérdida de la cognición, el deterioro de los huesos, así como una mejora en el estado de ánimo. Pero por increíble que parezca, la mayoría de la gente no ingiere la cantidad ideal de vitamina D, sino tan sólo el mínimo necesario como para evitar el raquitismo.

La vitamina D es un suplemento seguro, barato y apto para ser usado como suplemento a largo plazo. Es especialmente útil para personas que viven en zonas muy frías o con poco sol, y es aún más útil si se combina con magnesio y vitamina K2.

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Is Arachidonic Acid the New Hit in Bodybuilding?

You might have heard about a recent study which showed athletes who took Arachidonic Acid on a daily basis for a certain period of time gained some pounds of lean body mass. However, does this mean we should all start stocking up on this supplement?

Despite the fact that it has been shown – both in vitro and in human studies – that Arachidonic Acid stimulates growth in muscle cells, it is not a flawless solution. Arachidonic Acid is an essential substance that is naturally used by the organism as a precursor, converted by the cyclooxygenase enzime (the same enzime that is blocked when you take Advil, Aspirin, Tylenol or similar drugs) into many other substances specially under inflammatory conditions, like when you have an infection or get injured.

Some of these substances are Prostaglandins, which in turn are fatty acid-like substances in charge of regulating inflammation. One of the effects of prostaglandins is vasodilation (widening of blood vessels) and as a result, oxygen and nutrients’ flow to the area under its effects are enhanced. This effect is also seen naturally when muscles are contracting. Perhaps this prostaglandin-conditioned increase in blood flow to the muscles is the direct cause of the muscle cell growth.

Nevertheless, constant or above-the-normal body prostaglandins levels might promote a pro-inflammatory state which in turn could cause increased pain-sensitivity, fever or other discomforts, as explained before. Even more: Arachidonic Acid has been correlated with the spread of prostate cancer, although this might be due to its inherent growth stimulant effect, and cancer being a state where growth processes are disturbed.

Where can you find dietary sources of Arachidonic Acid?

Common sources of Arachidonic Acid include meat, fish, some vegetable oils, and nuts, among others.

What should you do, then?

It looks like when taken with moderation in doses up to 2000 mg a day and during short periods of time, Arachidonic Acid suplementation is safe. Remember to always consult your doctor shall any uncommon effects, signs or symptoms appear!


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Ten Commandments for Healthy Living

Having read tons of books about nutrition, fitness and general psychology, I find they always boil down to a few core principles. Although I still recommend reading books and performing personal experiments to understand and evaluate the principles and reasoning behind them, I figured many people would appreciate a summary to save time and more easily remember. These are ten simple commandments which, if followed, will result in increased fitness and sustained motivation for practically anyone:

  1. You and you alone are the ruler of your body and your mind.
  2. You shall not let anyone or anything keep you from reaching your goals.
  3. You shall read these commandments and your personal goals every day.
  4. Remember to relax and enjoy Sundays as a bow too much bent is broken.
  5. You shall exercise vigorously at least three hours weekly, preferably more.
  6. You shall only eat sugar in the hour following resistance exercise.
  7. Fruit is a desert. Enjoy it as you would alcohol, in moderation.
  8. You shall eat vegetables daily. Seriously, buy more broccoli.
  9. You shall eat healthy fats daily, and avoid trans-fats at all costs.
  10. You shall eat five or six times daily, with protein being part of every meal.

Alternatively, for the more traditionally inclined people, perhaps it’d be easier to memorize the biblical version:

  1. Thou and thou alone art the ruler of thy body and thy mind.
  2. Thou shalt not let anyone or anything prevent thee from reaching thine goals.
  3. Thou shalt covet these commandments and thy personal goals every day.
  4. Remember to relax and enjoy Sundays as a bow too much bent is broken.
  5. Thou shalt exercise vigorously at least three hours weekly, if not more.
  6. Thou shalt only eat sugar in the hour following resistance exercise.
  7. Fruit is the Lord’s desert. Enjoy it as I meant thee to, in moderation.
  8. Thou shalt eat vegetables daily. Seriously, buy more broccoli.
  9. Thou shalt eat healthy fats daily, yet never trans-fats as they are of the devil.
  10. Thou shalt eat five or six times daily, with protein being part of every meal.

I recommend printing these out on a single page along with your personal goals and reading them every morning as you wake up or before you go to bed at night. It may seem like a silly exercise, but it will help you keep your goals in mind and stay motivated. Just try it for a single month and then discard the idea and scold me should you feel it hasn’t benefited you in any way. It only takes a minute of your time daily so it’s worth a try, no?

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Five benefits of garlic supplementation

Garlic doesn’t only taste good, it also has a number of health benefits. This isn’t breaking news since in traditional Chinese medicine, garlic has been used to treat many conditions, including parasites, respiratory issues, digestion problems, and to boost energy levels. Besides bad breath, what other effects might you expect?

Boost your immune system

Garlic cloves are loaded with natural antioxidants. Antioxidants help strengthen your immune system, allowing you to fight off illness and disease. Garlic supplements are packed full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants which really boost the body’s immune system and natural defenses, allowing you to stay illness free, even over the colder flu season months.

Garlic is a great anti-inflammatory

Garlic has been scientifically proven to contain anti-inflammatory properties, making it a great treatment for muscle spasms, and irritating skin psoriasis. One capsule taken daily should be enough to help alleviate any painful swelling and inflammation, and could help to effectively treat irritating skin psoriasis, helping to get rid of painful rashes for good, although I prefer just mixing it into food rather than swallowing pills.

Lower cholesterol

Garlic supplements have been found to be very beneficial in helping to lower what is known as “bad cholesterol” thus helping to prevent heart disease, and even heart attacks. Experts have been extremely impressed by garlic supplement’s abilities to significantly lower bad cholesterol and prevent plaque build-ups and deposits in the main blood vessels of the body itself.

Garlic might help clear acne

Nobody wants to get spots, and acne can be a real problem for a number of people. Garlic however, contains ingredients which may help you naturally get rid of acne. Although there is further research needed, it has been confirmed that garlic has antibacterial and antiviral properties (study: inhibitory effect of garlic extract on oral bacteria) which may protect against acne. The effects may vary from person to person, but it certainly won’t hurt to give garlic supplementation a try. If it doesn’t clear up your acne, at least you will still benefit from reduced cholesterol levels and a stronger immune system. I couldn’t find any conclusive research indicating that garlic might help acne when applied topically though.

Boost testosterone

Garlic contains ingredients which have been proven to help boost testosterone levels and for this reason is used as an alternate treatment for impotency. Experts believe this is due to the fact that garlic is rich in beneficial vitamins and minerals, and can help to improve blood flow and circulation to the testes.

There is still a lack of research in humans, but at least one study performed on rats (Garlic supplementation increases testicular testosterone and decreases plasma corticosterone in rats fed a high protein diet) suggests that in combination with a high protein diet (starting at 25%), garlic might cause in increase in testosterone and a decrease in corticosterone.

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How to combine creatine and caffeine effectively

Due to a study published by some researchers from my home country (Belgium) it was long commonly accepted in the bodybuilding world that creatine and caffeine should not be combined because caffeine negates the positive effects creatine supplementation has. However, a more recent study (Caffeine is ergogenic after supplementation of oral creatine monohydrate) has shown that there might be a way to effectively combine the beneficial effects of both creatine and caffeine as long as caffeine isn’t administered regularly. In this study, fourteen trained male subjects were supplemented with 5 mg of creatine for six days. As you can clearly see in this graph, in most subjects caffeine provided an additional boost in terms of total running time in most subjects:

Effects of creatine and caffeine supplementation on treadmill running time

Physical exercise reduces the amount of ATP (the molecule your cells use as fuel) in muscle cells. As a result the enzyme AMPK becomes more active in muscle cells, which triggers them to start burning fat and become more sensitive to insulin. It shouldn’t surprise you that researchers everywhere are working on pills that activate AMPK, as this could mimic the effects of doing sports without even having to get out of bed. A Japanese study (Caffeine acutely activates 5’adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase and increases insulin-independent glucose transport in rat skeletal muscles) discovered that caffeine raises AMPK but at the same time decreases the creatine content in muscle cells. Although the concentrations the researchers used are much higher than the those found in the human body, it seems to indicate that caffeine disrupts the muscle cell’s creatine metabolism.

In conclusion; if you are supplementing creatine, regular high doses of caffeine will cancel out its effect. However, you might be able to benefit from the performance boost provided by both creatine and caffeine provided you limit your intake of the latter to about once a week.

Disclaimer: there is limited research on this subject so although this is the best answer currently available, take it with a grain of salt.

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How to maximize creatine absorption?

Creatine absorption and citric acid

It’s usually recommended not to mix creatine with acidic drinks such as grapefruit or orange juice since the citric acid might prevent creatine from being absorbed effectively. Others argue that, the effect of citric acid on creatine is minimal considering creatine will also be exposed to the stomach which is a much more acidic environment, and since creatine survives stomach acid it can also be mixed with acidic beverages without significant degradation as long as you consume them within a few hours after mixing.

Let’s get our facts straight. According to the study “The creatine-creatinine equilibrium. The apparent dissociation constants of creatine and creatinine“, after 25 hours in a solution with a pH of 1, only 2% of creatine is degraded to creatinine. Apparently, degradation is highest when creatine is exposed to a pH between 2 and 5. Considering the acidity of liquids that people usually do not recommend such as grapefruit juice (pH 3.2) isn’t that different to that which people do recommend such as grape juice (pH 3.4), I’d conclude it doesn’t really make too much of a difference.

Creatine absorption and water

You’ve probably been told not pre-mix your creatine since it will break down over time when dissolved in a liquid. The problem is that there doesn’t seem to be a consensus regarding the exact time it takes for creatine to be degraded to the waste product creatinine, some claiming degradation could take effect in as little as 30 minutes and others that creatine levels do not decrease much for at least a day or three. If you want to play it safe, drink the mixture as soon as possible after dissolving the creatine. There are shakers available with separate compartments so this should not prove to be a major hassle.

Creatine absorption and baking soda

Baking soda, a surprising supplement.

According to the study “Combined creatine and sodium bicarbonate supplementation enhances interval swimming“, creatine’s effects might be amplified by combining intake with  sodium bicarbonate commonly known as baking soda. This is a little know fact, probably because supplement companies can’t make money off a cheap universally available cooking ingredient.

Its synergy with creatine isn’t the only benefit offered by sodium bicarbonate, by the way. Here are some other studies suggesting increased sports performance at the recommended dose of 0.3 g per kg of bodyweight taken 60 to 90 minutes before a workout;

  • +34% time to exhaustion and +91% total work during HIIT (Feb 29, 2012)
  • Synergistic and superior effects compared to beta alanine (Feb 20, 2012)
  • Protection against stress induced damage to white blood cells (Nov 28, 2011)
  • Increased performance in tennis players (Nov 4, 2010)

Creatine absorption and food

It’s best to take creatine on an empty stomach for several reasons;

  1. The ingestion of a meal will decrease the acidity of the stomach drastically to the pH levels at which creatine is broken down at the fastest rate as previously mentioned.
  2. Food sitting in your stomach will slow down the absorption of creatine, meaning it will be exposed to these less-than-ideal pH levels for a longer period of time.

Update May 2014: a new study seems to show that sodium bicarbonate has very limited effect on performance. Only during the first exercise of a workout was there a significant difference compared to placebo. They also stress that the health risks associated with increased sodium intake are probably not worth the small boost in exercise performance.

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Can creatine and caffeine be combined effectively?

Effects of supplementing creatine and caffeine simultaneously

Many people using pre-workout supplements ask if creatine and caffeine can be combined effectively. It’s a valid question considering creatine and caffeine are often combined in popular pre-workout products such as MusclePharm’s Assault,  BSN’s N.O.-Xplode, Bentancourt Nutrition’s Bullnox, UPSlabs Jack3D or BPI Sports’ 1.M.R. Unfortunately, there is still a lack of studies to either fully confirm or debunk the fact that caffeine influences the effect creatine supplementation has on strength training. has evaluated the results from various studies and also concludes that the effects of co-ingesting creatine and caffeine are not yet clear:

Co-ingesting creatine with Caffeine appears to partially negate the benefits of creatine supplementation (at 5 mg/kg bodyweight) during the loading phase. The exact mechanism is not known, but might be related to opposing actions on muscle contraction time.

However, caffeine does not negate the benefits of creatine loading when not co-ingested, but just taken before exercise in the same dosage. This result indicates that loading creatine without caffeine on a daily basis, but saving caffeine for select workouts, may be an effective strategy as creatine does not adversely affect Caffeine’s ergogenic effects and may enhance creatine’s effectiveness in anaerobic exertion if the two compounds are alternated.

For more information regarding recent research, also read my article on how to combine creatine and caffeine effectively.

Caffeine’s effects on creatine absorption

Does caffeine influence the absorption of creatine? Again, due to lack of scientific studies, the short answer is “we’re not sure”.  If you wish to use both, perhaps the best solution until more information becomes available is to play it safe and use caffeine as early as possible in the morning and load up on creatine later in the day. As you are probably aware, creatine is shuttled to muscle cells more effectively when combined with a carbohydrate-rich beverage, so I would recommend drinking some grape juice or some pure glucose with your daily dosage of creatine.

Also read my article on how to maximize creatine absorption.

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MYO-X by MHP product review

I recently stumbled upon a product called MYO-X which is being sold at It’s amazing to see the lengths some supplement companies will go to in order to mislead consumers and take their money. Their product claims the following;

MYO-X is an all-natural, clinically tested myostatin inhibitor suggested in a scientific study to reduce myostatin levels in 100% of test subjects by an astounding average of 46% with just one serving!* This is a very significant study for bodybuilders and athletes looking to support muscle mass, strength and performance.*

Myostatin is the greatest single catabolic limiting factor of muscle growth. This natural growth factor protein exists in our bodies and works to regulate and limit muscle growth in a genetically predetermined pattern. Clinical evidence and case studies have confirmed how myostatin suppresses muscle growth, therefore inhibiting myostatin may be a new and novel approach to enhance muscle growth.*

MYO-X has emerged as a powerful approach to muscle enhancement for all athletes.* A 46% reduction in myostatin can help counter the catabolic forces that have restricted your ability to build more muscle and open the door to new muscle building potential.* MYO-X is so extraordinary, Muscular Development magazine has proclaimed it to be the “Revolutionary Muscle Building Breakthrough of the Century!”*

Overpriced egg yolks

Overpriced egg yolks in a pretty box. You’re better off buying some eggs at Costco and spend the change on a gym membership.

As you can see, first of all every statement is followed by an asterisk which indicates that these statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Secondly, the “studies” they reference seems to be in fact only a single study: “Effect on Serum Myostatin Levels of High-Grade Handled Fertile Egg Yolk Powder” supposedly published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, Volume 26, No. 3, Abstract 47; October 2009. However, this issue is nowhere to be found. Colker’s study is allegedly on page 309 but issue 3 in June doesn’t contain that many pages. It seems they outright lied about the publication of this study. They included a graph as well, but since there is no study backing it, I can only assume this is a complete fabrication, not based on any scientific data.

You should also consider that the Wyeth pharmaceutical company tested the most likely myostatin-inhibitor, an anti-body which neutralized myostatin, called MYO-029, or ‘Stamulumab’, in 2008, in the hopes of combating muscle wasting disease, yet decided not to pursue it further.  It should be obvious that when a big pharmaceutical company won’t pursue a venture which could prove to be more profitable than Viagra, there must be a reason.  Here’s what they concluded:  ” There were no improvements noted in exploratory end points of muscle strength or function”. In other words, there aren’t any known substances that have any significant influence on myostatin inhibition by means of oral supplementation.

Finally, the active ingredient in MYO-O is claimed to be follistatin. However, the only way scientist have been able to use this compound to influence myostatin levels in clinical trials on animals is through gene therapy in order to have the body synthesize more follistatin. There is no proof whatsoever that oral supplementation of follistatin has the same effect. In other words, people purchasing this product are spending US$69 on egg yolks. 

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How to improve insulin sensitivity with cinnamon and grapefruit

What is insulin sensitivity?

Insulin sensitivity is the opposite of insulin resistance, a condition where cells fail to respond normally to the hormone insulin. Normally, insulin release triggers cells to extract glucose from the blood to use as energy. However, insulin resistant cells fail to take in nutrients such as glucose, amino acids and fatty acids despite insulin being present in the blood stream. In other words, increased insulin sensitivity is  a good thing, since the cells will be more responsive to the hormone and better regulate blood glucose levels. As insulin resistance is a major risk-factor for developing type-2-diabetes, increasing your insulin sensitivity with the right foods and regular exercise is a must.

How can I improve my insulin sensitivity?

Grapefruit:  The active compound in grapefruit, a flavanoid known as naringenin, seems to prevent carbohydrate absorption from the intestines, possibly reducing rapid rises in blood sugar and insulin after a meal. This means it’s not ideal for use right after exercise when you do want heightened insulin levels, but grapefruit naringenins have some other very interesting qualities. According to an article at Ergo-Log, grapefruit flavonoid naringenin helps muscles’ glucose uptake while inhibiting glucose uptake by fat cells. Due to low bioavailability it’s recommended to also take β-cyclodextrin, an FDA approved excipient.

Cinnamon help regulate blood glucose levels

Cinnamon help regulate blood glucose levels

Cinnamon: In a study entitled “Changes in glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity following 2 weeks of daily cinnamon ingestion in healthy humans“, research concluded that cinnamon can improve glycemic control and insulin sensitivity in average 25-year olds. This means you need less insulin to trigger a similar response after your workout, which is a good  thing as s I explained in my article about macronutrients. Most studies use Cassia cinnamon, but Ceylon should be just as good if not better. Six grams daily should start having effect after 20 days.

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Guide to nutrient selection and nutrient timing

Let me start with a disclaimer: the tips provided on this page and the studies referenced are not necessarily 100% conclusive. The human body is an extremely complex machine and there are so many variables that nutritional science will likely always be a hot topic of debate. However, all nutrients listed are natural compounds that have been known and used for decades if not centuries, and will not do you any harm. Most of them are easy to obtain and relatively cheap, so you can rest assured that I’m not trying to promote any specific brand or product. These are just tips based on research and personal experience, meant to optimize nutrient selection and nutrient timing, which might have beneficial effects on your progress.

Nutrient timing: Best post-workout macronutrients

Whey is an excellent choice as pre- and post-workout protein source

Whey is an excellent choice as pre- and post-workout protein source

Protein: Obviously your muscles will require amino acids to start rebuilding the damage training caused. Ideally you already have some floating around in your bloodstream from a pre-workout shake or protein-rich meal, but studies show that an intake of 20 grams of protein every three hours (up to four times) after training is better at helping men build lean body mass than eating smaller amounts of protein more often.

Since research has shown contradictory results regarding the most important factor being timing of intake, protein quality, speed of absorption, combination with carbs, my conclusion is that various factors are at work and different people might react differently. What seems to work best for me and is most convenient is to take 20 grams of whey before exercising since it digests easily, another 20 grams after my workout along with a glucose-laden drink, and then have regular meals the rest of the day with at least 20 grams of protein each every 3 hours or so.

Glucose Powder is universally available and dirt cheap.

Glucose Powder is universally available and dirt cheap.

Carbohydrates: A lot of controversy exists around the topic of whether or not you should combine your post-workout shake with carbohydrates and if so, which kind. Most athletes and most notably bodybuilders seem to agree that it’s best to carbs which rate high on the glycemic index to create an insulin-spike which transports nutrients to your muscle cells which are hungry for nutrients after a workout. Most bodybuilders use pure glucose (a.k.a. dextrose) which is available at most pharmacies or large supermarkets.

Studies do not seem to be conclusive about the benefit of rushing glycogen replenishment. Some argue that over a 24-hour span glycogen stores will be replenished equally as long as carb intake is sufficiently high, regardless of them being absorbed quickly or gradually. Personally, I take  the route that seems most logical to me when research is inconclusive, which means I use high-GI carbs just after my workout and more complex carbohydrate sources such as pasta every 3 hours thereafter. I would recommend 25 to 75 grams of sugars depending on the duration and intensity of your workout.

Fat: After working out it’s best to avoid fat since it will slow down absorption of nutrients and as such their delivery to the muscle cells. In fact, it’s best to avoid high-fat meals for about 6 to 8 hours before the gym since you’re going to spike your insulin levels. Considering insulin triggers cells to take up nutrients and you want them to take in carbohydrates for energy and protein for muscle repair, it’s best to avoid too many fatty acids floating around in your bloodstream at that time, since the excess of nutrients and raised insulin levels will cause them to be stored as body fat.

Nutrient timing: Best post-workout micronutrients

β-alanine: According to the double-blind, placebo-controlled study study “Effects of β-alanine supplementation on performance and body composition in collegiate wrestlers and football players“, previously trained wrestlers taking 4 grams of β-alanine daily gained nearly twice as much lean muscle mass as the placebo group. More research is required since results were not statistically significant, but β-Alanine appears to augment performance and promote lean muscle mass in only 8 weeks.

Creatine: This is one of the few supplements that has conclusively been proven to improve resistance training performance by increasing the formation of ATP. Although the human body can synthesize creatine, supplementation significantly increases the levels of creatine stored in muscle tissue.  In 2004 the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) stated that long-term supplementation of 3g creatine per day does not pose any health concerns. Extensive research has indicated that creatine supplementation up to 20 grams per day appears to be very safe and largely devoid of adverse side-effects. You should also know that caffeine might undo the positive effects of creatine to some extent, even though both are common ingredients in commercial pre-workout products.

Electrolytes: When this term is used in context of nutrition, one is usually referring to potassium and sodium. These minerals are commonly found in fruits and vegetables, notably coconut water has high quantities of potassium and makes an excellent natural sports drink. Commercial sports drinks usually combine electrolytes with sugars to promote absorption. I would recommend to check the label on these drinks to make sure that the sugar used is glucose rather than high-fructose corn syrup since fructose needs to be broken down by the liver whereas glucose can be oxidized directly.

Fenugreek: This is a plant commonly used in Indian dishes. A study performed in 2011 at  the Australian Centre for Integrative Clinical and Molecular Medicine concluded that men between the ages of 25 and 52 taking the extract twice daily for a total of six week scored 25% higher on tests meant to gauge libido in comparison to a placebo. This seems to indicate that fenugreek is somehow promoting testosterone levels. Scientists aren’t sure why fenugreek seems to have this effect on men, but one possible explanation is that the herb’s seeds contain saponins, which affect hormone levels. One particular saponin, called diosgenin, could affect production of sex hormones. According to another study “Therapeutic Applications of Fenugreek” there might be further benefits to supplementation such as ower serum trig- lycerides, total cholesterol (TC), and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C).

Curcumin: Although clinical trials are underway to study the effects of this compound, at this time there is not enough data to confirm its effects

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