
EMS: El regreso del “Ejercítese mientras mira TV sentado” o un invento revolucionario?

Desde no hace poco tiempo hemos podido notar el auge de un nuevo sistema de entrenamiento en muchos gimnasios y hogares: la electroestimulación muscular, también conocido comercialmente como EMS, que promete resultados inmediatos y sorprendentes al mejorar el tono y fuerza musculares. La tecnología EMS consiste en aplicar pequeñas descargas eléctricas superficiales sobre la piel en las zonas musculares que se desea entrenar, dando como resultado contracciones musculares muy similares a las que se llevan a cabo cuando se contrae dicho grupo muscular de manera voluntaria, al moverse.

Aunque éstos sistemas no son realmente nuevos, debido a que a finales de los 90’s ya se promocionaban -mediante infomerciales nocturnos- cinturones que prometían tonificar y fortalecer los músculos abdominales mientras el usuario permanecía sentado en el trabajo o miraba TV sin mover un sólo músculo ni esforzarse en lo más mínimo, lo cierto es que ya se había experimentado con la tecnología EMS pocos años después de finalizada la Segunda Guerra Mundial, y se utiliza desde hace mucho tiempo como una parte integral de las terapias de rehabilitación en personas con lesiones principalmente a la médula espinal.

No obstante, los fabricantes y gimnasios presentan dichos sistemas con un toque innovador, ofreciendo al público sesiones de entrenamiento grupales, con equipos inalámbricos, trajes de entrenamiento para el cuerpo completo y dispositivos portátiles, entre otras novedades, razón por la cual en años recientes se ha notado un incremento en la oferta y demanda de éste tipo de servicios y dispositivos.

Como si de cualquier otra innovación se tratase, también ésta se ha tenido que enfrentar al gran dilema: ¿Realmente funciona el EMS? La respuesta no es tan fácil, y de hecho aún no es posible señalar con claridad si el X-Fit, BodyTec, BodyExpress, Slendertone, Compex, SpeedCoach o otras marcas EMS similares son tan efectivos como lo promete.

Athlete squatting with four-channel electrical muscle stimulation machine

Athlete squatting with four-channel electrical muscle stimulation machine

La FDA creó dos categorías para los productos EMS: La primera para aquellos que son prescritos por un médico, para fines terapéuticos, y que únicamente se pueden obtener con una prescripción médica, y la segunda para dispositivos de venta libre (OTC) para tonificación muscular únicamente. Ambas categorías deben estar debidamente certificadas por dicho organismo. Todos los dispositivos disponibles en gimnasios o en venta al público para su uso en el hogar pertenecen a ésta última categoría.

Si bien todos los gimnasios y dispositivos presentan algunos artículos de investigación realizados por profesionales de la salud como evidencia de su efectividad -como naturalmente podría esperarse-, también existen investigaciones independientes realizadas por instituciones ajenas al ambiente empresarial que de igual manera nos proveen de información útil respecto a la utilidad del EMS de acceso al público en general.

Una de ellas es la realizada por la Universidad de Wisconsin-La Crosse, publicada en la revista Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, misma en la que se estudió el efecto de 8 semanas de entrenamiento con un dispositivo EMS de venta libre en un grupo de personas jóvenes frente a otro grupo en el cual se utilizo un falso dispositivo EMS, equivalente al efecto placebo. Los resultados son sorprendentes, ya que al finalizar las 8 semanas de entrenamiento, no hubo ningún efecto benéfico objetivo -es decir, medible- ni subjetivo -es decir, notado o sentido por la persona-. Las conclusiones de la investigación sugieren que la pobre calidad e ingeniería de los dispositivos de venta libre podrían ser algunas de las causas de su aparentemente nula efectividad en sujetos sanos jóvenes.

Y es que los sistemas EMS son más complicados de lo que parecen: No se trata de una simple descarga eléctrica aplicada sobre la piel, sino de un complejo mecanismo de descargas eléctricas controladas, con un voltaje, intensidad, frecuencia, reposos e incluso contraindicaciones muy específicos, mismos que de no aplicarse correctamente, pueden ser incluso contraproducentes y provocar fatiga.

Quizás lo más sensato, ante la falta de mayor evidencia contundente sobre la efectividad de los sistemas EMS, sea continuar con nuestras rutinas de resistencia y aeróbicas, con nuestras fieles y efectivas mancuernas.

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How to undress in style

Professional gymnast, coach, forerunner and stunt-man Damien Walters shows off a wide variety of skills in this amazing compilation from 2011. Leaps from buildings, trampoline, parkour moves, tumbling routines, high dives, and death-defying stunts like leaping over moving cars are mixed with fun, creative tricks like a tumbling routine that works him right out of his clothes. Damien has a gift for showmanship and ingenuity to match his athletic skills. He shows off in gyms, abandoned buildings, the pool and his own home in this beautiful high definition video. Music is “Follow U” by Yogi ft. Ayah Marar (Xilent Remix).

+ Who

Damien Walters is a British former gymnast who specializes in tumbling and trampoline, and participated in four Trampoline World Championships. He has focused on his career as a stuntman since 2007, performing in films like Hellboy II, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, The Eagle, I Am Number Four, Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows, Captain America, and Kick-Ass. He won an award for “Best Fight” at the Taurus World Stunt Awards in 2010 for the film Ninja Assassin. He is also a freerunner and has one of the most-watched youtube channels, with over 80 million views. Currently Damien runs Derby City Gymnastics Club in Derby, England.

+ Where

This video is a compilation of a lot of tricks in different locations: a jump from a building, trampoline work in a gym, parker in a parking garage and on a city street, tumbling in a park, gymnastics in a gym, inside of a truck, his own bedroom and living room, a pool, a street, the woods and an abandoned building.

+ What

After an intro with his personal logo, Damien appears at (0:20) and starts the video off with a bang by doing a stunt-jump off of a building. At (0:27) we see Damien doing trampoline flips in a gym. At (0:30) we get a taste of parkour in a couple of city locations, and then at (0:35) we begin a mix of freerunning and tumbling in the gym, the park and city streets. He takes on two big wooden cylinders at (0:50), leaping one and then ducking the second. He leaps a car at (0:52) and leaps through a moving truck at (0:57). Tumbling and freerunning return at (1:00) in the gym and the city. Damien does some creative gymnastics in his home at (1:04) and then at (1:10) leaps a moving car from the top of a ladder. At (1:16) he grabs onto a moving workcart and zooms away. At (1:21) Damien returns to tumbling in the gym and then at (1:24) he heads to the high dive for some impressive pool work. At (1:27) he takes parkour to an abandoned building and then back to a park. He does a stunt where he leaps out of a car at (1:37). Trampoline, tumbling and diving follow in quick succession. At (1:56) he does a tumbling routine on the trampoline while removing his hat, shirt and pants. The video finishes up with more tumbling outdoors in the park and city, in an abandoned building and inside the gym, showing off Damien’s impressive skills. Credits roll at (2:26).

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What happens when you cross gymnastics and basketball?

This video from Inspiri Productions features world-class European gymnasts performing creative and elaborate routines before a live audience. Male and female gymnasts mix traditional gymnastics disciplines such as floor, bars, and vault together with rhythmic disciplines and even basketball dunking and dance. Strength, balance, speed and yes, even drama, combine to produce an incredibly entertaining show. This beautiful high-definition video, shot with Canon and GoPro cameras, is mixed with the up-beat and appropriate Cash Cash song “Kiss the Sky.” It’s a fast-paced and action-packed three minute video that will have you on the edge of your seat and clapping your hands.

+ Who

Inspiri Productions is a public relations, photo and video studio company that produces simply spectacular videos. They have produced several viral videos and even been featured on Good Morning America in the United States. Their Youtube videos, primarily sports related, have hundreds of thousands of views. This video features world class gymnasts from Germany, Russia, Ukraine, France, Belgium and Hungary. Many of the gymnasts featured have performed for Cirque du Soleil, and some of them were world champions in their gymnastic discipline. The amazing basketball dunks in this video were performed by the Hungarian stunt team Lords of Gravity. Lords of Gravity perform all over Europe.

+ Where

This video was shot in Germany and France in December of 2013 before live studio audiences. The gymnasts performed in an open, indoor arena with the space necessary to perform their amazing routines. They used typical gymnastics equipment such as bars, mats and trampolines as well as basketball goals. The entertaining show has been performed all over the region to the delight of those lucky enough to see it live. For the rest of us, we luckily have this wonderfully shot high definition video.

+ What

The video beings with two female gymnasts on the uneven bars. At (0:08) we go to a male gymnast doing a tumbling routine. Then (0:12), a female gymnast dressed as a referee performs on the trampoline. It transitions quickly between two male gymnasts on a see-saw (0:18) into a dunk from a trampoline (0:19). Then there is another tumbling routing (0:20) and two male gymnasts performing a floor routine with giant hoops (0:23). Several women gymnasts perform a rhythmic floor routine (0:28) and then several male gymnasts perform an acrobatic floor routine (0:30). The Lords of Gravity take the floor at (0:35) for basketball dunks. The female trampoliner returns at (0:42) and at (0:48) we return to the see-saw team. A dancer hits the floor at (0:50) and then we return for several more acrobatic and tumbling routines. At (1:03) we see a new dancer, doing a break-inspired routine. More of the see-saw team, the Lords of Gravity and tumbling follow in quick succession. At (1:16) a male gymnast works the parallel bars. Immediately after we see more of the giant hoops and then more tumbling at (1:21). The Lords of Gravity perform more elaborate dunking at (1:25). Hoops, rhythmic floor routine, dancing, dunking, trampolining, team floor work and team tumbling follows. The video is rounded out by more of the same. The performers get face time and at (2:23) and then take bows.

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Calisthenics Tournament 2012 by Barstarzz

This amazing video features the Calisthenics Tournament 2012 organized by Barstarzz. The control some of these guys have over their body is awe-inspiring. If this video doesn’t make you want to get up and get in shape, nothing will.

+ Who

This video was made by a group of International Calisthenics experts who go by the name Barstarzz. Their mission is to “Inspire the World to Workout” through their Fun and Simple, Creative Calisthenics techniques. The feats are preformed by many nameless individuals involved with the Barstarzz team located throughout the world. With offerings of instruction in Modeling, Fitness, and Nutrition in locations around the world. These group of athletes have dedicated themselves to spreading their love of fitness, and getting people excited about being healthy.

+ Where

The video was filmed in Moscow, Russia. It was filmed during a Calisthenics Tournament that went on in the Summer of 2012. It showcases the Barstarzz team, an International group of athletes. The Barstarzz team members are spread out throughout the world. Their central locations are Moscow, Russia and New York City, New York. They offer instructional training in each of these locations for a fee. 

+ What

 This video displays insane feats of human strength. The Barstarzz Team incorporates gymnastics, weight lifting, and dance into an incredible Freestyle workout. The way they control their body’s shows off extreme strength and dedication. These individuals show mastery in many aspects of physical fitness, all while keeping a simple and fun feel to the workout

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Parkour at Fantastic Gymnastics

It’s great to see these parkour enthusiasts found a safe environment to practice and learn in order to hone their skills before taking them to the streets. This video is a bit more artistic than the usual run-of-the-mill showcase reel, and the end-result looks great. Some of the moves are incredibly creative and I think I’ll try some of them next time I visit the gym.

+ Who

This video is compiled by Parkour Tour (a channel on YouTube) and contains multiple freerunners’ stunts. Guy Mercier is featured in this video however at the end of the video, there is a list of thanks to the following people (names or aliases): The Shelby Family, Tyler Harder, Joshua Rideout, Jorell Linsangen, Sonny Keyton, Micky Wall, Fantastic Gymnastics, Blackmill, Chris Poh, Janis Feye, Yann Bissonnette, Shai James Zachery Maller, Aniez, Marco Santana, Christian Lemay, Joachim Schilinger, Brian Prince, Sami Rauf, Mark R. Okita, Matthew Watkins, Sean Rogers, Cassio Casagrande, Christopher Buck, Georgi Georgiev, Kevin A. Chang, David El Achkar, Sam Binkin, Tommy Cooke, Paul Darnell, Kenneth McKnight, Micky Wall & Modus.

+ Where

The video was filmed at the home based studio of Fantastic Gymnastics. Which when you watch the video you will hear Guy Mercier, the owner, mention is located in Winnipeg. I wouldn’t mind spending some time training at this gym, it seems very well equipped.

+ What

The video shows a compilation of parkour tricks performed by students in practice on multiple mat protected surfaces. These tricks show many common moves as well as some advanced moves the students are learning. Many of the students are performing flips off walls, rolling landings, standing flips as well as utilizing gymnastic equipment! About 1 min in we are given a short explanation of the history of Fantastic Gymnastics by the owner Guy Mercier. He explains how good it has been for his studio and the students whom come from previous parkour background. At 2:50 is a very cool maneuver performed on the parallel bars.

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Superhuman calisthenics

Various athletes doing planches, one-armed pull-ups, muscle ups, human flags, hand stands, high bar work, parallel bars and performing other feats of strength and balance in this video titled “Calisthenics 2012 Best Moments”. It’s actually a mix of parkour, gymnastics and general tricking. Impressive nonetheless.

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