
EMS: El regreso del “Ejercítese mientras mira TV sentado” o un invento revolucionario?

Desde no hace poco tiempo hemos podido notar el auge de un nuevo sistema de entrenamiento en muchos gimnasios y hogares: la electroestimulación muscular, también conocido comercialmente como EMS, que promete resultados inmediatos y sorprendentes al mejorar el tono y fuerza musculares. La tecnología EMS consiste en aplicar pequeñas descargas eléctricas superficiales sobre la piel en las zonas musculares que se desea entrenar, dando como resultado contracciones musculares muy similares a las que se llevan a cabo cuando se contrae dicho grupo muscular de manera voluntaria, al moverse.

Aunque éstos sistemas no son realmente nuevos, debido a que a finales de los 90’s ya se promocionaban -mediante infomerciales nocturnos- cinturones que prometían tonificar y fortalecer los músculos abdominales mientras el usuario permanecía sentado en el trabajo o miraba TV sin mover un sólo músculo ni esforzarse en lo más mínimo, lo cierto es que ya se había experimentado con la tecnología EMS pocos años después de finalizada la Segunda Guerra Mundial, y se utiliza desde hace mucho tiempo como una parte integral de las terapias de rehabilitación en personas con lesiones principalmente a la médula espinal.

No obstante, los fabricantes y gimnasios presentan dichos sistemas con un toque innovador, ofreciendo al público sesiones de entrenamiento grupales, con equipos inalámbricos, trajes de entrenamiento para el cuerpo completo y dispositivos portátiles, entre otras novedades, razón por la cual en años recientes se ha notado un incremento en la oferta y demanda de éste tipo de servicios y dispositivos.

Como si de cualquier otra innovación se tratase, también ésta se ha tenido que enfrentar al gran dilema: ¿Realmente funciona el EMS? La respuesta no es tan fácil, y de hecho aún no es posible señalar con claridad si el X-Fit, BodyTec, BodyExpress, Slendertone, Compex, SpeedCoach o otras marcas EMS similares son tan efectivos como lo promete.

Athlete squatting with four-channel electrical muscle stimulation machine

Athlete squatting with four-channel electrical muscle stimulation machine

La FDA creó dos categorías para los productos EMS: La primera para aquellos que son prescritos por un médico, para fines terapéuticos, y que únicamente se pueden obtener con una prescripción médica, y la segunda para dispositivos de venta libre (OTC) para tonificación muscular únicamente. Ambas categorías deben estar debidamente certificadas por dicho organismo. Todos los dispositivos disponibles en gimnasios o en venta al público para su uso en el hogar pertenecen a ésta última categoría.

Si bien todos los gimnasios y dispositivos presentan algunos artículos de investigación realizados por profesionales de la salud como evidencia de su efectividad -como naturalmente podría esperarse-, también existen investigaciones independientes realizadas por instituciones ajenas al ambiente empresarial que de igual manera nos proveen de información útil respecto a la utilidad del EMS de acceso al público en general.

Una de ellas es la realizada por la Universidad de Wisconsin-La Crosse, publicada en la revista Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, misma en la que se estudió el efecto de 8 semanas de entrenamiento con un dispositivo EMS de venta libre en un grupo de personas jóvenes frente a otro grupo en el cual se utilizo un falso dispositivo EMS, equivalente al efecto placebo. Los resultados son sorprendentes, ya que al finalizar las 8 semanas de entrenamiento, no hubo ningún efecto benéfico objetivo -es decir, medible- ni subjetivo -es decir, notado o sentido por la persona-. Las conclusiones de la investigación sugieren que la pobre calidad e ingeniería de los dispositivos de venta libre podrían ser algunas de las causas de su aparentemente nula efectividad en sujetos sanos jóvenes.

Y es que los sistemas EMS son más complicados de lo que parecen: No se trata de una simple descarga eléctrica aplicada sobre la piel, sino de un complejo mecanismo de descargas eléctricas controladas, con un voltaje, intensidad, frecuencia, reposos e incluso contraindicaciones muy específicos, mismos que de no aplicarse correctamente, pueden ser incluso contraproducentes y provocar fatiga.

Quizás lo más sensato, ante la falta de mayor evidencia contundente sobre la efectividad de los sistemas EMS, sea continuar con nuestras rutinas de resistencia y aeróbicas, con nuestras fieles y efectivas mancuernas.

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BASE jumping off the tallest building in the world

Base jumping is an intense and adrenalin filled sport and the World Champion Soul Flyers Vince Reffet and Fred Fugen take this craft to a new level leaping from the world’s tallest building in Dubai. The pair gear up and are sponsored by Skydive Dubai to accomplish the goal of free falling from the pinnacle of Burj Khalifa setting a new world record. There are several excellent and up close shots from both a third base jumper and a helicopter that helps give you the full experience of leaping off the building and having the ground rushing up to meet you. With bright yellow jump suits and a red smoke, the video provides a very thrilling and eye-catching sight of the record setting moment. The Dubai Film Production brought the video to life and the music is licensed by The Rights Workshop.

This video, uploaded just one month ago by Skydive Dubai, already has almost 6.8 million views and over 22,000 likes. It is available to view in youtube’s new 2160p 4k high definition. In the video you see Soul Flyers World Champions Vince effete and Fred Fugen break the world record for BASE jumping by jumping off of the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, the world’s tallest building at 828 meters (2,2716 ft, 6 inches). BASE jumping has been pursued by action sports enthusiasts since the late 70s. BASE is an acronym for four commonly jumped from objects: building, antenna, span and Earth (cliff).

+ Who

This video was put together by the Dubai Film Production in partnership with Skydive Dubai and features the base jumping skills of Soul Flyers Vince Reffet and Fred Fugen. These two world champions take the sport of base jumping to a new level by taking on the world’s tallest building Burj Khalifa. Vince and Fred leap from the pinnacle of the tower setting a new world record of 828 meters. Vince first saw the building three years before attempting the jump and he knew it would be a dream to take it on. The pair of French skydiving veterans trained for a week to prepare for this record setting event.

The video was sponsored by Skydive Dubai, who offer skydives over the extraordinary sights in Dubai. They also sponsor skydiving teams and athletes, including Soul Flyers World Champions Vince Reffet and Fred Fugen. Reffet and Fugen are French skydivers who have been diving and jumping for over a decade. Their parents of both were seasoned parachutists. They joined together on the French national Freefly team in 2004 and then soon after both joined the Skydive Empuria parachute club in Spain, the most prestigious skydiving school in Europe. They won World Championships in Freefly in 2004, 2006 and 2008. In addition to freefly and BASE jump, they are enthusiasts of canopy piloting, extreme landings, wind tunnel skydiving, wing suit flying and speed riding.

+ Where

The Burj Khalifa, or Khalifa Tower, is the world’s tallest building and located in Dubai. It is the tallest man-made structure in the world and was completed in 2009 and opened in 2010. The tower was designed and built by the firm of Skidmore, Owings and Merrill from Chicago. The building was designed to be the centerpiece of a huge development in Dubai to diversify the country’s economy from oil to tourism. It also holds the record for the tallest skyscraper, the building with the most floors (163) and the world’s highest elevator. Dubai is an emirate in the UAE, located on the southeast coast of the Persian Gulf. It is home to over 2 million people.

From the adrenalin pumping leap off the 828 meter building to the ground this whole video takes place as a base jump off the world’s tallest building in Dubai, Burj Khalifa. The Skydive Dubai helps set up this location for the pair of extreme skydivers Vince Reffet and Fred Fugen to set a new world record.

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The video starts off by giving you a good idea of just how tall and immense the Burj Khalifa building is peaking with a orange tinted sunset shot of the platform at the pinnacle (0:23) where Vince and Fred will begin the leap. A little bit of dramatic lead up comes when the pair are standing on the edge of the platform (0:29) geared up and ready to go with a helicopter flying overhead in slow motion. It totally sets the scene and gets you on the edge of your chair waiting for what will happen next. The wide shot of Dubai in the background and this pinnacle stretching up into the sky (0:31) again let’s you experience just how high the 828 meters is above the ground. The jump begins with Vince and Fred having red smoke trailing off their feet as they lean over and leave the platform (0:37). The duo glides through the air taking your breath away (0:50) as they plummet toward the ground as they circle around the building. We get up close and personal with a point of view shot (1:04) as the two come together and grab hands to perform a little mid-air acrobatics twirling and spinning together. A shot from a third jumper (1:10) lets you see the two spin with Dubai in the background before they separate (1:13) and prepare to land back on Earth. The parachutes both deploy (1:17) and the intense journey is nearly complete. Both are safely on the ground (1:26) celebrating their triumph in the new record with the realization of a dream come true.

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Effective home back workout for beginners

Are you looking for a home back workout but don’t have a lot of time or a home gym? Many people don’t have the time or motivation to go to the gym everyday. Some people can’t afford a costly gym membership. Whatever your reasons, working out in your own home is a good way to stay in shape while still avoiding all these potential pitfalls. The back muscles can be one of the most difficult areas to hit without specific gym equipment. This video shows some good exercises that people can do at home to target their back. It’s a beginner level video so pretty much anybody can do these exercises. They don’t take too long either so it is a good way to save time. Now you’ll have no excuse NOT to work out!

+ Who

Mike from Six Pack Shortcuts stars in this video. His Youtube channel has over 2.5 million subscribers and well over 300 million total video views. Obviously he has helped lots of normal people just like you get into shape with some simple and easy exercises. The channel might be called Six Pack Shortcuts but Mike’s videos don’t just focus on abs – he gives you a variety of tips to help get different parts of your body totally ripped. After all, to you would look kind of weird if just one specific part of you was all muscled up and other parts looked wimpy right?

+ Where

The video is about home workouts and seems to be set in Mike’s own home. On the wall are various “before” and “after” pictures of people Mike has helped get into shape. There’s a white board on the back wall listing all the various types of back workouts that will be shown and talked about in this video and Mike also shows off his homemade pull up “contraption” which consists of two chairs back to back and a broom stick with some towels wrapped around the ends. Nice!

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The video starts off with Mike describing how these home exercises can help you develop a “v-shaped” back. At (0:23) he talks about and shows you his homemade pull up contraption. It is made from some simple materials and will enable you to do this workout if you don’t have access to a pull up bar. (1:30) Mike demonstrates how to properly do a bent over fly. (2:08) Mike shows how to do an exercise called a towel roll. (3:00) Mike shows how to do another exercise called prone cobras then at (3:33) he demonstrates two types of really effective back stretches. At (4:55) Mike actually starts the workout routine himself. Mike completes the first set of each exercise at (10:53). The other four sets are then shown in a highly sped up fast forward pace to save time. Finally at (13:44) Mike gives a little bit of a motivational speech about how you should be giving every workout your all and wraps up the video.

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How to combine Buddhist monks and breakdancing

A group of monks decide to do a dedication to Adam (MCA) Yauch of the Beastie Boys who passed away. MCA was a strong buddhist and was the founder and creator of th e“Free Tibet” concert series. These young monks head to union square to put on a show in dedication to him by showing the public a series of break dancing moves and skills preformed by them in his honor. Though the video seems short, it is really heart warming to see them give MCA a proper send off this way. If you are in to break dancing, this is a video worth watching.

The dance was choreographed by New York advertising firm KNARF. Most people didn’t realize that it was a publicity stunt, and more importantly, people didn’t know just what the Beastie Boys and Tibetan Monks had to do with each other, namely that Yauch wasn’t just an iconic rapper but also a devoted Buddhist who dedicated much of his life to the cause of Tibetan liberation. This video may not be as spontaneous as it seems, but it’s a beautiful tribute to his legacy nonetheless.

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This video is made by someone who was at the scene of the break dancing performance. They captured the dancing of these monks who were dancing to give Adam Yauch a proper send off after his passing. They headed to union square to showcase this dedication. They did this mostly out of respect for Adam Yauch and the Beastie Boys, but also because Yauch was a Tibetan Buddhist himself and was the creator and founder of the “Free Tibet” concerts that raised awareness for Tibet in it’s politics and urge for freedom of choice and religion from the government that rules them.

+ Where

This video was made in the bustling section of Union Square with a camera phone, in the middle of the street where several people could see and watch as they walked by to and from work, or possibly to and from diners and shopping districts in the area nearby them.

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(0:06) Beastie Boys music begins playing as the monks begin dancing. (0:12) One monk flips over another frontwards. (0:17) all three monks begin spinning on their hands. (0:25) One of them jumps in the center and bows, they then begin doing “Matrix” types of dancing. (0:32) The monk in the middle begins slowly spinning on his head. (0:41) He leaves the center and allows another monk to enter it, who then does a front flip and spins quickly on the ground. (1:00) He then leaves as well and lets another enter the center who comes in with a series of kicks and fast spins on the ground ending in a headstand. (1:15) Another Monk enters and begins spinning himself on the ground but using his arms to hold his body in the air going from two hands to just one. (1:28) A monk does a somersault and then begins break dancing in the center, spinning on his knees. (1:46) A monk slides across the ground showcasing break dancing moves and vaults his body in the air. (2:04) One monk does a handstand leading in to his dance act. (2:08) his robes roll over his head. (2:20) A monk starts doing the running man, then jumps in an acrobatic showcase of dance moves. (2:35) The performance winds down as the three of them roll in and pose together.

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Skydiver knocked out in midair

James Lee is a very lucky man. He was diving out of a plane with some friends when he was was accidentally struck and knocked unconscious by another jumper. The other skydivers realized something was wrong and came to his help. They gathered around him making sure his parachute would open. James woke up under his canopy just moments before hitting the ground, a true miracle. James says he feels blessed that they realized something was wrong, had they not, he would have died that day.

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James Lee a 25 year old was taking part in a sky-dive jump when just seconds after leaping from the plane he was hit by another skydiver.  The blow knocked him out and sent him hurtling towards the ground uncontrollably.  Thankfully two other skydivers noticed something was wrong and chased after their unconscious colleague.  After realizing he was unresponsive the two men managed to roll James into a more stable position and deploy his parachute for a safe landing. The Telegraph, the most popular UK newspaper on YouTube, published this video.

+ Where

The video takes place in Wiltshire, which is South West England.  It is landlocked and borders the counties of Dorset, Somerset, Hampshire, Gloucestershire, Oxfordshire and West Berkshire. In this video, it takes place in the air above Wiltshire as a group of people jump out of an airplane for a sky diving excercise. 

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(00:05) We see the group jump from the plane beginning the sky diving activity. (00:10) we notice that after the jump, James had been hit by another diver and was knocked out. (00:17) we see the wind and pressure of the air knocking his helmet camera around slightly. (00:19) Words are displayed on the screen telling us what happened to James to put him in danger. (00:31) the other sky divers circle around James and are trying to get in to position to help him get his parachute deployed. (00:42) they realize James isn’t responding and are working quickly to deploy his parachute with one of them grabbing on to his arm to steady himself. (00:50) Another sky diver grabs James’s other arm and does the same, by the time a third sky diver has realized something is wrong and is coming to help. (00:56) Two more sky divers see that everyone is gathered around James and float over to see if they can help as well. (00:58) The sky diver on the right makes a hand motion to the other telling him to reach for James’s rip-chord on his parachute. (01:07) The Parachute is deployed and James beginning slowly floating torwards the ground. (0:1:10) James wakes up underneath his canopy. (01:27) James lands safely on the ground. 

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Cranberry Field Wakeboarding

The Red Bull Winch Sessions used a high-powered winch to explore action sports in unusual locations, and this short video is no exception. They take the winch and wakeboarder and snowboarder Josh Tranby to a Wisconsin cranberry bog. This short but beautifully-shot high definition video has over 300,000 views and shows Josh wakeboarding through the red sea of cranberries. The winch makes the boat unnecessary and Josh is pulled at a rapid pace from one end of the bog to the other, making his own waves and a visually stunning video that became a classic among action sports enthusiasts.

+ Who

Josh Tranby is the star of this video. He is a wakeboarder and snowboarder from Minnesota who is very active in the wakeboarding scene. He is sponsored by Slingshot Wakeboards, Reef, Bern Helmets, Lake-Life Apparel, Pinewski’s Boardshop and Vision Wake Park. The video was shot as part of Red Bull’s Winch Sessions, which featured action sports athletes such as paragliders, wakeboarders and snowboarders filmed performing their sport with the help of a high-powered winch. The videos were featured on Red Bull’s website, and Josh became more well-known because of his participation in the project. Red Bull is an energy drink and one of the primary sponsors of action and extreme sports.

+ Where

Wakeboarders are normally towed across the water tethered to a motorboat, but this video makes use of Red Bull’s winch and takes place in a cranberry bog. The bog in this video is located in Tomah, Wisconsin. The blanket of red fruit covering the water makes the video somehow intensely appealing to watch.

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“I’m headed to the frickin’ cranberry fields right now,” Josh begins in this video. As he travels in the Red Bull van towards his destination, he continues, “I don’t know what to expect but I know if you look to my right you’re gonna see one!” Some beautiful shots of the cranberries and surrounding fields are overlaid with Josh talking about the project. At (0:35) he begins his session, wakeboarding back and forth across the ripe cranberries. The beautiful, high definition, slow motion shots are interspersed with shots of the Red Bull winch at work, close-ups of the cranberries and the stunningly beautiful area surrounding the cranberry bog. (1:11) features a wonderful shot of the wakeboard floating among the bright red cranberries. At (1:15) the Red bull logo is floating in the berries and at (1:20) the van is loaded and rolling away from the bog. Music throughout is the song “909s and Half Minds” by Jack D. Elliot.

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This jaw-dropping parkour compilation will amaze you

Set to the music of Crave You (Adventure Club Dubstep Remix) from Flight Facilities, the up tempo beat is the perfect backdrop to the heart stopping, heart pounding, jaw dropping and edge of your seat thrills showcased in this mix of video footage. This video brings all the finesse, style and excitement of parkour to your screen with entertaining tricks as well as cool first person camera views so that it’s almost like you were out there putting your skills to the test. If you’ve ever wanted to know what it felt like to jump, flip and scale your way over any and all obstacles, watching these clips from groups like Team Farang, In Motion, Cionn and Dante Grazioli will have you ready to jump up and go learn a few tricks of your own, or at least click onto another video to see more these experts in action. Some of these feats can only be described as “insane”.

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This remix video shows the skilled performances of a number of different talented athletes showing off just what puts the epic in this parkour video. The footage is a combination of clips from Team Franag, KrapVideo, Scott Reynolds and Sam Mcfarlane from Urban Artists, Daniel Arroyo, Dante Grazioli, Cionn, In Motion, Cherpk and shows everyone getting into the action with their best dazzling moves and will have you holding your breath to see just what each one will do to top the last trick. From urban landscapes of rooftops and stairways to indoor set obstacles, these guys flip, twist and jump their way through the video in gravity defying actions.

+ Where

These videos are bits and pieces of some of the best each of these skilled and talented athletes have to offer so you follow Team Farang as they race through the rooftops and other urban sprawl in Bang Na, Bangkook, Thailand to flips, twists and wall scaling around Praha, Czech Republic with In Motion. As well as clips with Dante Grazioli and friends while visiting North Carolina and Florida in the United States and with Scott and Sam in Scotland.

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One of the first actions is a dismount off the cross bar has a push off from the ceiling. You know you are in for a wild ride when everything gets turned upside down. Then followed shortly after that by the amazing freefall off the building by Team Farang member Pavels Petkuns (0:35) has your stomach churning as the action just keep ramping up as each athlete continues to push it to the next level. As you follow others over rooftops and over walls you just don’t imagine that there could be anything you haven’t seen yet. Then by the time Urban Artist Scott Reynolds scales the brick fence section at (3:32) and finishes with a twisting leap off the top you’re ready for a break in the action so you can catch your breath.

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How to undress in style

Professional gymnast, coach, forerunner and stunt-man Damien Walters shows off a wide variety of skills in this amazing compilation from 2011. Leaps from buildings, trampoline, parkour moves, tumbling routines, high dives, and death-defying stunts like leaping over moving cars are mixed with fun, creative tricks like a tumbling routine that works him right out of his clothes. Damien has a gift for showmanship and ingenuity to match his athletic skills. He shows off in gyms, abandoned buildings, the pool and his own home in this beautiful high definition video. Music is “Follow U” by Yogi ft. Ayah Marar (Xilent Remix).

+ Who

Damien Walters is a British former gymnast who specializes in tumbling and trampoline, and participated in four Trampoline World Championships. He has focused on his career as a stuntman since 2007, performing in films like Hellboy II, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, The Eagle, I Am Number Four, Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows, Captain America, and Kick-Ass. He won an award for “Best Fight” at the Taurus World Stunt Awards in 2010 for the film Ninja Assassin. He is also a freerunner and has one of the most-watched youtube channels, with over 80 million views. Currently Damien runs Derby City Gymnastics Club in Derby, England.

+ Where

This video is a compilation of a lot of tricks in different locations: a jump from a building, trampoline work in a gym, parker in a parking garage and on a city street, tumbling in a park, gymnastics in a gym, inside of a truck, his own bedroom and living room, a pool, a street, the woods and an abandoned building.

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After an intro with his personal logo, Damien appears at (0:20) and starts the video off with a bang by doing a stunt-jump off of a building. At (0:27) we see Damien doing trampoline flips in a gym. At (0:30) we get a taste of parkour in a couple of city locations, and then at (0:35) we begin a mix of freerunning and tumbling in the gym, the park and city streets. He takes on two big wooden cylinders at (0:50), leaping one and then ducking the second. He leaps a car at (0:52) and leaps through a moving truck at (0:57). Tumbling and freerunning return at (1:00) in the gym and the city. Damien does some creative gymnastics in his home at (1:04) and then at (1:10) leaps a moving car from the top of a ladder. At (1:16) he grabs onto a moving workcart and zooms away. At (1:21) Damien returns to tumbling in the gym and then at (1:24) he heads to the high dive for some impressive pool work. At (1:27) he takes parkour to an abandoned building and then back to a park. He does a stunt where he leaps out of a car at (1:37). Trampoline, tumbling and diving follow in quick succession. At (1:56) he does a tumbling routine on the trampoline while removing his hat, shirt and pants. The video finishes up with more tumbling outdoors in the park and city, in an abandoned building and inside the gym, showing off Damien’s impressive skills. Credits roll at (2:26).

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Wingsuit Flying: Pure Awesomeness

Wingsuit Flying has been described as “the most fun you can have on this planet” and, more succinctly, “pure awesomeness.” This short video features some stunning shots of wingsuit flying clipped together with wingsuit flyers talking about how much they love their extreme sport, and why they do it. Perhaps nothing makes for more exciting video than wingsuit flying, with nothing between the viewer and the experience but the camera and a thin, expanded suit. Many people can see themselves doing traditional skydiving, with the comfort of a parachute to guide them gently to the Earth, but wingsuit flying is too extreme for all but the most gung-ho air sport enthusiasts.

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This video features extreme athletes Mike Wilson, Miles Daisher, Suzanne Graham, Carson Klein, and Andreas Matischak talking about their favorite sport. The video was compiled as part of Intel’s “A Momentary Lapse” photo and video contest, and includes the athletes speaking frankly about their enthusiasm for wingsuit flying and about the dangers involved in the sport. Mike, miles, suzanne, Carson and Andreas are among wingsuit flyers that appear regularly in popular videos about the sport, many of which have gone viral. One of their most popular videos features a wingsuit “race” in Hawaii. The Intel contest was created to celebrate creativity and technology, and this video certainly accomplishes that.

+ Where

Neither the video nor its description say exactly where the footage for this video was filmed, but the scenes on the ground all appear to be in a lightly wooded area. Most of the exciting footage is pure, crystal-clear, blue sky, of course. The other shots present in the video are close-ups of the extreme athletes giving their testimony to the power of wingsuit flying.

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The video begins with a bang: the athletes in their wingsuits jump out of a small plane into the blue sky. Carson Klein is the first to talk about wingsuiting (0:08). Suzanne Graham (0:11) talks about the excitement of the sport. The athletes pile back into the plane (0:12) and then (0:18) Mike Wilson talks about wingsuiting. Andreas Matischak chimes in at (0:19). More quick hits of description are followed by Miles Daisher (0:33) talking about the “pure awesomeness” of wingsuit flying. Breathtaking shots of the wingsuit flyers zipping through the air (0:45) are interspersed with more description and at (0:49) we get a point of view shot. At (1:09) there is another shot from the air, more description, and back to the air at (1:14). The rest of the video follows like this, with talking and then shots of flying, until (1:34) where they come in for the landing. At (1:40) we return to the descriptions, and at (2:09) there is more of the landing followed by more of the athletes talking about the sport they love.

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Team Zoic at Rebounderz

This fun video highlights Team Zoic, a parkour and freerunning team out of Orlando as they take on and conquer Rebounderz, a trampoline park in Orlando Florida. The team bounces around the trampolines, doing flips and kicks from trampoline to trampoline and into a foam pit. They also play dodgeball and dunk basketballs. The guys show off their parkour and freerunning skills all over this trampoline park and show how to get the most out of an amazingly fun theme park. Watch this video and you’ll definitely get the itch to head to the closest trampoline park to you get some bouncing in.

Rebounderz is the best trampoline park I’ve been to so far. Last time I was in Orlando I visited out another one called Airheads first, but it was closed for a kid’s birthday party. When I visited Rebounderz I was glad I hadn’t paid at the other one since it looked way better equipped. I spent a few hours jumping around and playing dodgeball. It’s amazing how tiring it is if you go all out.

+ Who

Team Zoic, or Zoic Nation, are a group of traceurs/freerunners from Orlando, Florida in the United States. The members are Jon Watson, Andy Taylor, Angle Santiago, Gareth Norvell, Mark Stowell, Will Brown, Crazy Stupid Kid Jimmy, Casey Jones. They have a very active presence on social media including Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Vimeo. In their own words, they are a group dedicated to having fun and spreading their love of parkour, and not getting tied down in defining what it means to do parkour, free-running or tricking. They are simply all about having fun and accepting all styles as they get better and enjoy life.

+ Where

This video was filmed at Rebounderz in Orlando, Florida. Rebounderz is an indoor trampoline arena promising family fun and fitness. They have an open jump arena, with trampolines on the floor and sides that adds up to 24,000 square feet to jump. They also have a foam pit jumper, where you can launch yourself into a pit of foam squares, a dodgeball arena, and a basketball dunking jumper. They also host parties (which include pizza) and summer camps. On the Rebounderz website you can take a virtual tour, sign your wavier form (all jumpers must sign a waiver) and book your party.

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The video begins with the Zoic crew getting out of their cars and heading in to the arena. They begin jumping (0:17) into the foam pit, and then take on the open jump arena (0:24). Shots of foam pit jumping and open pit jumping and flips are mixed until (1:18) when the crew gets together for an exciting game of dodgeball. At (1:38) we see some breakdancing on the floor. More dodgeball and shots of Rebounderz are joined by more foam pit jumping and then (2:15) basketball dunking. (2:35) the video ends with Jon Watson, the Youtuber and member who uploaded the video, talking about next week’s video and instructing users about how to manage their Youtube subscriptions.

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